Thursday, January 15, 2009

Oops - 2009 already???

My husband sent me an email that I hadn't updated for a while - guess I didn't realize how long it had been. YIKES.

Christmas was awesome! We spent a week on a Carnival Cruise with my family - all 20 of us to celebrate my parents 50th anniversary. It was such a blast and we are so lucky to have our parents together after 50 years - hope we can follow suit.

We are back in school and loving life. Maybe we can change the school day until 10 - that is what is takes Bug to wake up. She is my night owl -- like her father.

I am currently applying for a teaching position and working on the yearbook for Bugs school. It is fun and I am learning alot. But I am anxious to get back in a classroom. I love helping in Bugs class!

I am also training for a 1/2 marathon. Yep, you heard correctly - me - the one who hates to run - is going to be a princess. I am running the Disney Princess Half on March 8 - 1 year after my first 5 K!!! My knees are feeling it but I will do it. 10 years of gymnastics took its toll I think.

Bug and Littles are doing a trial month at a karate place. Littles loves it. Bug likes it what she is there. It is fun to watch and what great discipline (and bribery to earn those life skills stripes.) Bug is also cheerleading at NFBC with Impact Cheerleading - it is her first time and I think she likes it.

It is cold in Atlanta and outside activities are on hold - except running and tennis. Hey who am I kidding. No one has to watch me and I keep moving to stay warm. I am not sitting out in the cold right now.

Owen is busy working. We are trying to figure out what is making him not feel good and hopefully will have an answer soon. He is on hold for soccer right now.

We are both on FB - the time sucker of life. I have found soooo many old friends - Who knew after 20+ years we would all look the same. It is amazing - no one has aged!!!

well, Bug is upstairs with a stomach ache and Little needs breakfast - such is my life. I will update more often. My journaling skills need to be improved.

Check back for more updates!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Where did September go???

Gosh - it is gone already. I feel like it was just the beginning of school and now it is almost October. September is always busy but this year seemed even busier. Soccer, tennis, yearbook - I did volunteer to take it over and we have our first deadline Oct. 1 and Quiet Heroes.

Quiet Heroes is put on by Cure Childhood Cancer and hosted by Chris Glavine. It is a luncheon which honors mothers of children with cancer. This was my 2nd year volunteering and I tell you it is the best busy ever!! I was helping with Catie's Elves ( in memory of little Catie Wilkins. I loved it. I also got silent auction stuff and helped get the poundcakes ready for the luncheon! I realized as I raced from place to place and found places for my kids I was so lucky that this was my busy! I don't have to get to chemo, therapy, dr. visits. Unfortunately for many moms this is thier busy so Sept. 20 was a day for them to sit back and enjoy. The speaker was Julia Reichert, the director of the indie film A Lion In The House. She was amazing! If you have never seen it - look for it. It is such a real representation of what families go through - very real - be prepared.

Katie and Daddy went to a Father/Daughter dance that Saturday night - so cute - they went to dinner at J. Alexander's first and then danced the night away - if 8:15pm is the end of the night.

Katie and Connor started soccer. Katie even played goalie. She likes to be a bit social - no idea where she gets that from- but is getting into the game more now. Connor wants to be just like Dad! He is a good little player!

Our cousins from Australia came to visit as well. I told you it was a busy month. We went to the Aquarium with them for the day. Mariel and Katie are just months apart and the best of friends. Can't wait to Bug and Littles are a bit older and we can go Down Under!

Off to get ready for daddy's birthday tomorrow! I will update soon.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's a Whole New Year

Well, school has begun. Connor loved his first day. My favorite quote was "We are talking about letters for 26 weeks!" He is a hoot. He also started soccer Tuesday as well - big day.

Here are some pics from school and soccer. Owen is the assistant coach with our good friend Mark. More on Katie's activities later!

I hosted a Mom breakfast this am. Very fun. It is so nice to just sit and chat with other moms instead of racing to the next activity.

Off to enjoy my last moments before little man comes home.


Monday, August 25, 2008

Well, I have not updated much because not much as been going on in the Kenworthy house. We spent the weekend being lazy and then cleaned out the garage and store room on Sunday. Katie and Connor were great about giving away some toys so they each received a little surprise on Monday (from the hidden treasures in the store room). Connor got a cool Narnia Catapult toy - hope KC the hamster doesn't take a trip in it. Katie got a jewelry making kit. the kids spent the rainy afternoon creating jewelry. Here are the pieces they created today.

Katie and Connor both start soccer this week and a very excited. Will get pics of that soon.I hope everyone has a great Monday.


Thursday, August 21, 2008

My First Blog

I have been wanting to do a blog for awhile but just haven't gotten the gumption. But now that school has started so much is going on and I don't want to miss it.

I am a stay at home mom who is constantly on the go. I teach gymnastics at the YMCA, I volunteer for a wonderful charity (more on that another time), I carpool, I play tennis, I volunteer at school and I spend time with my kids and husband.

My daughter, Katie Bug, just started First Grade. She loves school and loves to learn. If only she didn't talk so much - don't know where she gets that!!!

My son, Connor (Littles or Little Man or Con Man) starts 4 year old preschool in Sept. He has already started speech this year and goes twice a week. He loves his teacher and is doing great!!

As well as starting school we also got a new pet (add to the cat and dog) a hamster. His name is KC (for Katie and Connor) and is soooo cute. I think we enjoy him as much as the kids.

Not sure exactly what I will say here but thought it was a good way to keep our lives updated and try to record the magic of family.

See you soon,
